Faculty appreciation at 2023 GI Fellowship Graduation, 6/6/2023

Congratulations to Drs. Jill Elwing, Jaquelyn Fleckenstein, Devika Kapuria, Osama Altayar, andParakkal Deepak on their well-deserved fellow-awarded outstanding faculty awards at theGastroenterology fellowship graduation! Your commitment, expertise, and dedication to education and patient care are genuinely inspiring. Congratulations to Washington University Gastroenterology fellows on graduating from the GI, Transplant Hepatology, IBD, and Interventional endoscopy fellowship […]

19th Annual Gregory J. Gurtner Memorial Lecturer

The GI  Division was pleased to welcome Dr. Silvia Vilarinho of Yale Medical School as our 19th Annual Gregory J. Gurtner Memorial Lecturer on Friday, December 8, 2023. Dr. Vilarinho’s presentation was titled “Genes, Genomes, and Liver Disease” and was attended by GI and WUSM faculty, fellows, and staff. Before the presentation, Dr. Andrew Kates […]

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