Blood-Based Biomarkers in the Diagnosis and Risk Stratification of Pancreatic Cysts (Links to an external site)
Published in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North AmericaVolume 33, Issue 3, July 2023, Pages 559-581
Red-flag signs and symptoms for earlier diagnosis of early-onset colorectal cancer (Links to an external site)
Published in Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Volume 115, Issue 8, August 2023, Pages 909–916,
Health Disparities in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Care Driven by Rural Versus Urban Residence: Challenges and Potential Solutions (Links to an external site)
Published in Clinical Gastroenterology and HepatologyVolume 21, Issue 7, July 2023, Pages 1681-1686
Gastrointestinal Center Moves to New Clinical Space at Center for Advanced Medicine
In late December, 2021 the Division of Gastroenterology moved their Gastrointestinal Center at the Center for Advanced Medicine (CAM) from the 8th floor to the 12th floor. The new space, at approximately 16,200 square feet, increased the number of exam rooms from 17 to 29, including four procedure rooms. The area is occupied by both […]
Introducing the 10 emerging leaders selected as AGA FORWARD Scholars (Links to an external site)
Cassandra Fritz, MD selected for American Gastroenterological Association’s FORWARD Scholars program
Director of Interventional Endoscopy (Links to an external site)
Vlad Kushnir, MD, has accepted the position of Director of Interventional Endoscopy effective December 1, 2021.
Scientists to explore whether anti-inflammatory drugs control blood sugar (Links to an external site)
Inflammation and metabolic disorders are deeply intertwined. For example, people with inflammatory conditions such as Crohn’s disease and psoriasis are at risk of developing metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance and diabetes. However troubling that connection might seem, it also might point to some promising news.
Study reveals links between fatty liver disease, liver cancer (Links to an external site)
The United States is facing an epidemic of liver disease linked to obesity. Cases of nonalcoholic fatty liver have more than doubled in the past two decades, now affecting around one quarter of the country’s population. The condition leads to inflammation and scarring in the liver, similar to that caused by alcohol abuse, and increases […]
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